Wednesday 7 April 2010

Philosophy versus Science

It's like two worlds......... both are games of is that lets the mind free and think in any way one can; another is the observation....and then its scrutinization and then getting the logic out of it.

Philosophy was born out of the curious mind..the mind that said, why the things are the way they are?................and Science was born out of logic......if this is here then what is the rational purpose behind the thing to be here and not anywhere else? Philosophy tried to explain and Science believed only one that is logical................

So what is life.............? Whether we want life to be philosophy or need some Scientific explanation of life. These things are as complex as the mind in our head. Sometimes there are things which have no logic but they are true, they are existing as if challenging logic of human mind. Human mind is still so feeble to understand the whole nature, whole universe.

Whenever Science tried to explain everything, it found number of exceptions...and so many universal laws..............that hold correct for many things.....but again with limitations..........All laws combined together of Unity is still the dream of scientists.

Understanding the human psyche, human dreams, aspirations, human needs; it's not the game of only survival appears so feeble as an explanation as humans have many higher needs................far more than he himself can understand. Today if I am writing this shows that how much I may get in well to do I might become ..there are some needs within me that will make me to work beyond and beyond.......even beyond I can hold..I can see.I can feel.........I am searching I am asking.........and I am getting ahead but can't say even if an inch closer.........Because Universe is considered to be limitless, vast by some..........multi-universe by holes are considered as dead end by some and the gateway to another dimensions by others............
We know so far only four dimensions....some scientists speak of six...........and still there are some who say that there are somethings which are dimensionless.........

The more vast the universe becomes the more empty it appears but still it is within that vastness ...that we tiny dots with minds speak of logic...............what we don't know....what we cannot perceive is out of logic to be existing...This thing we speak because of ignorance......or because of ego...........? I must say ignorance...if I analyse myself....Then from where the knowledge will dawn.......and bring me to the light............whether it will be philosophy or science that will come for rescue.

How much I have understood both of this I will plainly say that Philosophy is like wild horse...aimlessly moving in any direction....and Science is like the trained horse in his master's hand (mind in control) that is asked to follow a particular direction...
Hmm.............if the path is correct.............lets see........

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