Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Life is like a cocoon!

Its dangerous but what if taken no risk, put a step ahead and waiting for
Waiting is pain, why can not just live now?
Time goes on rolling, how can be measured in wheels?
And surpassing things so simple, complicating under the heels
When plain were all the shades of life, why thought of adding colors?
What this hues speak about, is it must to stop and listen now?
Counting the lines and counting on time, should some moments be put now?
The flow between pinnacles is endless and can not end
But that grows from speck to mammoth, life is like a cocoon, shouldn't stop building now?
Created and destroyed, should have understood this relation now
It gives signs of some vacuum, those panoramic details carved so beautifully
And beholding all in one, must not thread the symptoms now
Ahead and ahead and marching on, the toes needs some buckles now
Racing to nowhere, the place, some place, though not exists, but must be seeked for now

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